Random Things.

The other week the most truly random thing happened to me:

In the middle of the night, as I was putting James back down, he poked me in the eye.

No big deal. Or so I thought, as I hazily stumbled back into my bed.

Flashforward five hours to 8a.m. I wake up with the most intense burning — a feeling that something is consistently scraping itself across my eyeball.


You guys. I birthed two babies without a single drug. NOT A ONE. And here I was, in the fetal position, trying not to completely lose it.

It happened on a Sunday, so I had to wait to make a frantic, pleading call for 24 whole hours.

I briefly contemplated going to the Emergency Room, or Urgent Care — but given our current Covid-19 situation, decided that was not a strong enough reason.

Turns out, after having had my eye thoroughly examined, that James scratched my cornea.

You guys.


I’ll answer with : RANDOM AF.

Thankfully it was healed up within a few days and they used a contact as a makeshift “patch”. But boy, was it intense.

Just thinking about it again has both my eyes watering.

Thankful for health, in all its forms and for the kick in the ass reminder that anything, at any point can strike us out of the blue.

No matter how careful we’re being.

No matter how many precautions we’ve taken.

The trick is : go about our lives in positive oblivion. At least, that’s mine.

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