I Used To Be Young.

As I was leaving The Y Saturday morning, post Boot Camp Workout, I was caught by some freakaaaay eyes starting at me. Ah yes, a drawing contest.

Topic: Age.

This one cracked me up! Not only did it successfully creep me out and capture the essence of lost youth perfectly — check out those sunken in eyes, talk about some bags! But there was something eery about the title:

I used to be young.

As though this girl was channeling her inner granny. Albeit, not a very happy one at that. I wonder how disturbed I’d be if my child drew a picture like this? How many bets that her parentals want her in therapy now?

All joking aside, this girlie has showed some serious insight. I mean, it’s a haunting picture. I give credit where credit is due.

And, what surprises me the most about what she captured at her young age, is that I think everyone feels this way … even when we are young, that somehow, we’re already too old or too late for something. Though we’re not.

How silly that is. I remember feeling so old, so “been there, done that” at 23. 23!  What I’ve realized as I’m getting older, or more like me aging myself  {me aging?! Not possible, I’ll remain in eternal denial} — is that I’ll never get it done.

There will always be something I’m reaching for or wanting or creating. When I was younger, I thought at some point this ended … this desire. Now I see this is just part of the fun of it … that we’re never too old or too late. We can’t be. It would defeat the entire purpose for being plopped down on Earth.

And as for old … well, that’s just a state of mind.

Have you noticed this with people … how there are people who seem decades younger than they actually are, they look, sound and act it and then there are those who are 25 but you’d guess they were 35. Ever wonder about why that is?

I’ll tell you. One word: outlook.

It’s the whole attitude and approach. Seriousness does not help the cause. Those who are serious always appear much older than they are. Those who are able to keep a childlike wonder and spirit of fun about them will always be assumed younger.

As with anything, it’s just a state of being … of What You Be.

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