
I’ve got to say it, because it’s on my mind and if I can’t share with you guys, then who can I share with?

Precisely my point.

I miss The BF. A lot. Like times 38748374398798374.93942. That’s how much.

He’s been away the last 9 days watching his niece and nephews while his Brother and Sister-in-law are crusing the Greek isles. Personally, I think the isles would have won me over.

Just kidding. Nothing comes before family, right? Well, maybe some isles …. Paris … oh, and I can think of a few other places, but besides those places — nothing comes before the fam.

Speaking of fam … mine are about to be here. A little less than two weeks to go till all havoc breaks loose. That’s right, my niece and nephew will be here, under the watchful, careful and very responsible eyes of me and Brother. TC, too.

I’m never short of astounded when Brother #2 and SIL drops them off with us … to me, it’s the ultimate form of trust and love. I trust you not to fuck up our children, nor let anything {bad} happen to them. Do you know what kind of pressure that is?!

Big time pressure.

Typically what happens is, all rules go out the window … because they’re here to have fun, and who has fun with rules still in tact, especially when you’re five going on six? So it’s ice cream runs every night. Falling asleep watching movies. And pretty much anything I do say no to, Brother immediately says yes to, so what’s the point?

Doubtless, I’m going to have great stories and pics to share while they’re here.

You know what I’m really doing right now? Procrastinating.  Avoiding. Trying to come up with any and every reason not to get the yoga on. But I will. Haven’t missed a day since August 1st and I’m not about to start now.

Besides, I know, this resistance is just indication that I really do need to do it.

So I’ll do yoga. And think about how much I still miss The BF. I can’t wait for his return. Monday. Just a couple more days to make it through! And I get to look forward to a sweet, sweet reunion.

Now that brings a smile to my face.


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