Tearing Down Walls?

This evening, on our way home from our fave Mexican restaurant, TC and I passed some random — read: rough — looking store that was a complete mess of used appliances and home improvement junk stuff.

What caught my eye was their sign: Tearing Down Walls? There was also something written beneath that, but who knows what that was.

Tearing down walls was more than enough message, that might as well have been lit up on a big neon blinking billboard for me.

People. I now completely know The Universe and The Other People talk to me through {literal} signs. Store signs. Sign signs. Advertisement signs.

No sign is discriminated against or out of the realm of possibilities here.

I think My Peeps know that I need big messages so I’m clear about them. I tend to need things spelled out for me like that. Makes life a lot easier.

I’ve been thinking lately that … in being me … being out here for the world doing my thang, I need to be as present and open and non judgmental as I can be.

The walls need to come down.

The walls that keep me in the illusion of the separation between me and all people, wherever and with whomever I start putting up my walls around, because there are way too many of these walls.

Especially with those close to me.

Isn’t that ironic that the closer we are to people at times, the farther we feel we must become to protect ourselves?

I’m done with the protection. The armor is coming off.

It feels terribly uncomfortable and scary. I don’t want to be let down but me wanting to just be me weighs out more than the idea of a let down … that authentic part of me that as a child was never afraid of rejection or failure.

I want to be an open book. I want to share. I want the connection and intimcacy of living free of mental barriers.I want people to know me and in turn, know another.

So, yes, it turns out I am tearing down walls … watch out … it’s like construction demoing up in here … but for the spirit.



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