Long Day.

Way too long. I should add an f-ing in there for good measure.

Added effect, too. Pretty amazing how the f word can do that … completely change context and place such an emphasis that just wouldn’t be there otherwise.

I’m exhausted. Drained. 11 hours sitting with fluorescent lights surrounding you will do that to you.

Especially on warm winter days. Which is just totally criminal, if you ask me. Criminal, I tell you!

When it reaches a high of 70 in January, I think that means everyone should be outside soaking in some Vitamin D and basking in the deliciousness of a heat wave in the middle of f-ing winter.

Clearly this is what is needed. Obvs, not so clear to a lot of other peeps though.

So after a {f-ing} long day, and what felt like the slowest business dinner ever, I got home at 8:30. Can’t even believe that was three hours ago.

Where the hell did the last three hours go?

People. Am I weird that everyday, but particularly on long drawn out days, I require much needed time to myself.

Like three hours worth of time.

I feel this is absolutely critical … I need the silence. I need to not have to talk to someone. To just … unwind.

And now it’s going on midnight, when I’ve been struggling to stay awake all day, promising myself I’d make it to bed earlier.

While I might not have been able to enjoy the outdoors and the warm temps, I did drive home with the windows down and music blaring.

I can’t tell you how good it felt … warm wind in my hair, that fresh clean smell … the smell of spring. In winter.

And for that, I am thankful.

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