What’s Here.

In trying to recover from Post-Paris depression/hangover/general malaise, I have been making it a point to get this booty moving even more.

But not out on the dance floor more. Oh, no, People. That, no one in their right mind would care to see. Gyrations be damned. It’s all awkward. Straight up awkward.

So in my getting out in the world around me, I’ve taken note of a couple things.

1. There is so much more around us than we see.

2. When we are ready to see, things suddenly appear — things that have been right in front of us this whole time.

Take this beaut of a church, for instance. It was enough to make me feel like I had stepped back into the Loire Valley. A most European-esque feel. Another most holy moment. I was immediately transported, I could have been anywhere but here. But here, I was.

I don’t need to be in Paris to have Paris moments. These magical places exist and already surround me. I just need to wake up to them.


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