That Falker.

Sounds a whole lot like: Fucker, doesn’t it?

I just couldn’t help myself …

Turns out it not only sounds like and can substitute as profanity, but it’s actually the name of a children’s book: Thank you, Mr. Falker.

Falker. Children. Doesn’t seem to go together.

Can’t tell you how many times I tried to say, falker, that sounded liked fucker, or that made me think of focker, a la Meet The Parents.

Nor how many times when I said, falker (one must really place an emphasis on that “er” to distinguish words), did it come out as fucker, and then I tried to instantly correct myself.

Being as I was around the ‘chillen … didn’t want to traumatize anyone.

I know it might not be all that fair of me, but I was already prejudiced to the book, just by the title … I had to question if it was about how to or not to use school inappropriate language.

Naturally, I was hoping for the first.I mean, come on, who uses Falker as a main character in book for young kids? Really now?

I’ve got to admit, all pre-determined notions aside, I read the book — how could I not with a title like that — and was touched.

It was such a sappy Disney made moment. Here, my adult self identifying with this fifth grade girl who is struggling to read, and the one teacher who believes in her.

Yeah. It has all the markings for a real tear jerker.

Moreover, it was a great reminder of how powerful teachers are in our lives — of any sort. Whether that comes in the form of a classroom or a mentor , a grandparent … those people we’re lucky to have cross our path.

Who uplift and inspire.

Two things I strive to do each day.




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