
You won’t find it to be a searchable term or word on Google or Webster’s, but I assure you, it is a word.

That I came up with.

Leave it to a Taurus to unceremoniously officiate new words into our language.

Besides, the term “statue” is just so … boring. Especially when dealing with statues of people frozen with their arms up in mid air or with freaky copper smiles on their faces.

In all honesty, I don’t get the weatheralls. Not one bit.

What’s so great about random statues of people – really now, people? – in places that seem so completely misfit. And who was the brillant person who decided, why yes, let’s put one of those people statues out there. Throw in a whole family, while you’re at it.

The majority of them are strange and freaky, and as indicated, out of place. The best is companies that actually have them in front of their HQ — out there, in the wide open, exposed. The first thing someone is going to look at and then have staring at them as they enter the building.

Never fits. Always leaves me puzzeled and wondering,  is this some sort of metaphor for drugs? Or whatever it is aforementioned company does.

Perfect example: Freddie Mac.

I spent a summer in college interning there. Where I was surrounded by weatheralls.

There was a nice family of them at the entrance to the building, complete with children holding balloons, and then a whole slew of them outside in the back patio area.

Freakay. Yes, I know I spelled that wrong. I happen to think freakay is somehow more fitting. Emphasis on the “kay” part.

Freddie was where I came up with the brilliant name of: weatherall.

Weatherall because they withstand all weather conditions. Get it?

I’m sure you do.

All freakayness aside, I couldn’t resist snapping a pic of me and this handsome weatherall, on Mackinaw Island. I thought about putting the one up where I’m sitting my romp down on his hand, but then I didn’t want anyone to be too alarmed by what is just a sense of humor.

Oh, Mista Weatherall, where have you been all my life?



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