Happy Christmas, Merry All Things Holy.

I stayed up way too late last night. 2:30.

Yes, I am very well aware that wasn’t the brightest idea, but it just sort of … happened. And it was a flash back to my old life, the pre-FOH me. And I’m not going to lie, that was pretty damn exciting, which woke me up even more and before I knew it, I thought I better get in bed and make sure I was able to grab at least a few hours before a certain someone is in need of my boobs.

But that certain someone, is still sleeping {praise the lord!} and while there is nothing more I’d love to do than still be in bed, I am pumping.

It’s still all about The Boobs, all the time, People. That’s okay. That’s more than okay. I am able to feed my baby. For that I am and will be eternally grateful.

So, a very Happy Christmas and Merry All Things Holy to you!

Today, let’s hold imaginary hands and take lots of deep breaths — that’s in lieu of lots of shots — but if you do that, no worries. I will not judge you. I get it. I’ve spent many a Christmas holding the stem of a champagne glass and tipsily walking around and laughing at things that weren’t all that funny.

Let’s tell each other, if the going gets tough, that today is about Love. That makes it a double edge sword, but honestly, isn’t that just another aspect of Love?

We’re going to enjoy. We’re going to find little moments of peace today within the not so peaceful. We’re going to count all the thousands of blessings we have in our lives. We’re going to say some prayers for our fellow humany People doing their thing in this great big world that they might feel a little love and peace today and in that, put down their guns or whatever weapon of terror they’re using.

We’re all in this together. This is Holy ground we’re walking on. Everyday, but today especially we need to remember that. We’re here for each other. And also things like boob pumping.

Love you all.


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