Approaching The Year Mark.


I’m kinda sorta freaking out over here. TC hates when I use freaking in any given conversational context. To that I say, deal with it.

FOH is quickly approaching THE year mark. HOW has this happened?

How is my not so little little baby no longer a baby baby? Did you catch that? Good.

Where in the F has this year gone? How is any of this possible?

What does this mean for the future?

Having my own childhood stare me down this week with Maman has been a sobering experience. One that is more than a little trippy, given that I now have my own child.

Once again I am pretty much dumbfounded, that here I am. An adult. Of sorts. I have to add, of sorts, because nothing about me feels at all adult and the fact that I am now financially and physically responsible for another human is beyond my comprehension.

Until said adorable little human cries or laughs or has a blow out and I’m brought back to my present reality.

Having a child makes you realize how damn fast time really does go and begs the question of:

What are you doing?

The, what the f are you doing, is perpetually staring me down. I didn’t know questions had eyes that could stare you down, but they do — in the form of your kid.

The Truth is: sometimes I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, People. I’m just trying to be a good person. A loving person.

I’m trying my absolute Gdammedest to love the shit out of you guys. That’s really my only goal day in and day out: to love.

I trust that from there, everything else? It’ll just … come.


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