
It always amazes me when we venture out as a family.

I know, it’s not anything particularly noteworthy. But it doesn’t mean it can’t feel like it to me.

Which it does.

I’m always giving myself imaginary high fives and fist bumps and even saying aloud, F YEAH! You did it girl! You went out in public as a presentable FAMILY! Without even so much as a single cry.

When I see families with multiple children, especially the ones with four or five {or gasp — six!}, I’m dumbfounded.

Because I now know just how much time and effort goes in to making it happen. The hours of planning and preparation resembles something more along the lines of war strategy and battlefields.

I think it’s safe to say I’d probably be a horrible multiple child parent. Some women are cut out for it. I don’t think I am.

Plus it could be that I finally just now feel like I’m hitting my stride with FOH. That I can do this and more importantly — that I know this now. And not only that, but that I can do this shit well.

It’s a good wave high to ride.


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