Cultivating An Attitude Of Gratitude.

One of the {many} things The BF does that I love …

He cultivates an attitude of gratitude within our relationship.

A couple of years ago {gasp! how in THE HELL has that alright been a couple of YEARS?!} he started sending me a daily affirmation about us and our relationship.

I was a little slow to jump on the bandwagon and I can’t say it’s something I’m always 100% on top of, but I give it my best shot everyday to shoot him off an email with three things I’m thankful for in our relationship.

This becomes a combination of gratitude and affirmations. It just kinda depends on the day.

People. Take it from me, from someone who is often a picky Taurus. Picky is not fun. Picky blows the big one. It deserves The Finger.

We all have idiosyncrasies. We all have things that drive others absolutely bat shit crazy. We can all always look at what we aren’t doing instead of what we are doing.

We have The Choice. Tear down or build up? Giving or greedy? Shit talker or shit praiser? Positive or negative?

I think it’s a lot easier to lean towards the dark side. It takes courage and consciousness to decide to love — to look at all that is going right within us, each other and our world.

Start cultivating your attitude of gratitude for those in your life. Heck, even life in general.

The more we see all the good, the more all the good comes to us.

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