Good Feeling.

When we’re feeling good, everything is good.

Have you ever noticed that?

Feelings, just like our thoughts, are very powerful indicators … of where we’re at, how constructive what we’re focusing on is and what we’re in the process of creating.

It’s a challenging thing to monitor our thoughts — all 6,000 + of them we have per day.

Can you even believe! Over 6,000 thoughts per day that are entering our minds! Some believe that number is more accurate at upwards of 8,000.

It’s no wonder they say that thought creates our reality.

I’ve personally found it almost overwhelming to try to change thoughts … I mean, I can catch myself now when I feel I’m going downhill, but I still have plenty of moments where I don’t.

I’m on autopilot.

That’s where our feelings come in.

If we can notice how we’re feeling, it can help monitor our thoughts. Because we’re either feeling good or not good.

The power of generating good feelings is something I think of while listening to Flo Rida’s new song, Good Feeling.

Plus, it just puts you in that good feeling place listening to the lyrics.

The shots of Paris don’t hurt either …


It’s all about those good feelings.

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