So, I totally have thousands {millions?} of beliefs and philosophies and views on life, but to not overly complicate matters, even for myself, this can be summarized in three words : What You Be.
I believe that our lives come down to what we are being in every moment, and it’s from that point where we attract and create.
Random and highly unnecessary personal factoids and likes include the following :
Long walks with the dog. Sleeping in. Cool breezes on hot days. Water. Sand between my toes. Sunrises {when I actually rouse myself up in time} and Sunsets. Late nights that lend themselves to inspiration.
The laughter of children. Homemade ice cream. Traveling the world. Learning something new. Positivity with focused desire. Art. Meditation. Museums. Afternoon naps. Nature. Hiking. Kayaking. Yoga. Anything that physically challenges me.
Krema Peanut Butter with Granny Smith Apples. Marveling at the interconnectedness that life is. Wild flowers, sunflowers, tulips and peonies always lift my spirits. Perfecting the art of lounging. Awareness. Consciousness. Awareness + Consciousness is my kind of perfect.
You. Yes … you … for being here and reading these words. I now consider you one of My People. I hope you get comfy and stay a while.
To put it all simply though, I am:
A Total Taurus pursuing her personal legend. I came back for the candy and the good human touch.