Girl Scout Cookies.


Already, I know – and it’s only February!

Is it me or are the release of the much anticipated girl scout cookies getting pushed earlier and earlier each year?

Let’s go with earlier and earlier, not me. It’ll make me feel better … as though I do not have a delusional sense of time, nor reality.

Brother and I had placed our order probably about a month ago. We were accosted – I mean – approached by a rather darling but determined 7 year old.

Like we had any hope of coming out of that one sans an order.

We chose wisely and within control – 7 boxes – because I have a slight problem when it comes to control and Girl Scout Cookies. The primary culprits are the Tagalongs and the Do-Si-Dos.

I might be known to polish off an entire box of Tagalongs alone in a mere afternoon or evening. This shouldn’t be a surprise, given my love and obsession of peanut butter.

Brother came up with the absolutely brilliant idea to pick up our cookies on our walk with B.

Was I in bliss or what … walking and eating cookies. I’ve got to say – something I’ve never done before.

It was great, because it was like the walking canceled out the cookie eating ,so I felt completely guilt free and entitled to indulge.

After polishing off a sleeve of the Do-Si-Dos {for the record: this was mostly Brother’s consumption, not mine}, I decided we better stop by and see Eugenio and give him a box of our cookies.

It was just too dangerous to return home with six and a half fully stocked boxes of girl scout cookies.

As a true testament to the fondness and high esteem of my guru, I bequested him with a box of Tagalongs – really quite an act of loyalty, because I typically give the Samoas to people very low on my list – the cookies, not people.

Isn’t there something reassuring about Girl Scout Cookie time? Despite my inferiority complex I had around the girl scouts at a young age, which I’m not really sure why … I didn’t want to be one and it’s not like they rejected my application {is there an app for that?}, but I always felt as though they were higher than thee for some reason … it was probably my awkwardness as an unconfident fatty who felt a lot of envy towards those girls.

Now I just say a few “Praise Jesus'”, and I never really say anything with the words “praise” and “Jesus” together, that they’re still busting out with their cookies.

See. Proof of my Tagalong love with a God-like reference … hey, I’m sure God is all about some cookies.



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