B Blesst.

Brother and I were on our walk with B yesterday, enjoying the sunshine and slightly warmer temps.

I’ll admit that I was in a bit of a space starting out on our walk … I felt uneasy. Probably because The BF and I were a bit off and when that happens, it throws me.

I know it shouldn’t, but it does. I try to remain in my happy, centered place, because I know whatever happens with us has no bearing on my happiness — I have to be responsible for that, but this is very hard to do.

It’s never fun to feel like there’s been a disagreement and things are amiss … even on some little level.

I think this is one of the challenges for me that I am trying to work on in this life … staying completely centered in me, regardless of anything outside of me that occurs.


Brother and I were both starting to get a bit agitated at B. She kept stopping. I’m sure she was just trying to literally show us that we should “stop and smell the flowers” — wait is that supposed to be roses? — but we weren’t having any of it.

After what seemed like the 89th time she needed to pee, we start crossing the street, right as a car turned the corner to our left. The driver quickly stopped to let us cross and that’s when we both saw the license plate:

Be Blessed.

Okay, so it really looked like: B Blesst.

Seriously? Could this message get anymore clearer for me?

And can I tell you just how freaking happy the driver looked? I mean, how can you not be happy driving around a car that’s telling you to be blessed? Can’t really see someone pissed off doing that.

Brother and I discussed how everything had to be right for that moment to have happened …

B needed to make all her pit stops. We had to cross right when we did … everything was working out to bring us to that moment, with that message.

I need these reminders. I need The People there, telling me in their own way, that everything is always working out, just as it should, on its right, perfect time.

All is well … for all of us … so let’s go be blessed.


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