Slow Going.

It’s been slow going all day. There are times, when I just can’t push against my self any longer and this morning was one of those mornings.

I started off to work and then promptly turned around, went home and got back in bed for three hours.

Really, I’m lucky. So lucky with this pregnancy but I am so GD tired, People. It’s straight up chronic fatigue syndrome — for reals.

Everyone keeps telling me that the fatigue will pass, but I’m going on {close to} four months and if anything, it seems to have been kicked up five levels.

I’m sorry. I don’t mean to complain, as I said, I’m really quite lucky, considering. I can eat. I can still yoga and workout. There’s not too many ways I’ve been impacted.

But it doesn’t mean I’m not ready for it to be over!

Is it bad that the mere thought of having this baby and fielding nursery theme questions {can’t People tell I’m not good with themes just by looking at me?! It’s hard enough for me to remember my fall theme of “embracing”.} makes me want to crawl in bed, pull the covers over my head and never wake up?

It’s still overwhelming and I am still trying to make peace with it. I love this little babe, but that doesn’t mean I feel utterly unprepared, confused and in disbelief that I’ve been granted a little soul to care for … ME?!

Surely The Universe had to have gotten its message wires crossed?

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