Inner Power.

Today, I had the good fortune of running into Adrienne.

Real name not to be revealed, as she is a minor, but for the meantime, her French class name will do.

Adrienne is one of my absolute, all time favorite people. Ever. In this entire Universe.

She’s brilliant. She’s absolutely hilarious. She’s sweet and thoughtful. She’s autistic. Albeit, high functioning, but still, autistic.

And she freaking loves me.

It’s so great. Isn’t it? Having people in your life that just absolutely adore you?

That always see you as so much greater than you are, especially when you seem to be feeling pretty blah.

I stood there in awe, listening to her as she said, “you’ve rocked my world to my very core. No one can ever be you, Mademoiselle. Je t’aime.”

Non, je t’aime, Adrienne.

Got nothing but love for that girl.

She continued to go on, saying more things that I felt completely undeserving of and that were too high of compliments to receive.

And then. Something hit me.


I got hit with a paper ball. On the back of my head.

It came from another autistic kid, who told me he didn’t know what came over him.

I did. It was totally The People.

Of course, he totally didn’t get “The People” and was like, “um there are a bunch of people here” … that’s a very refreshing and frustrating thing with autistic kids, they take what you mean and mean what you say at face value.

I knew he’d never grasp The People, but I tried to tell him that I believe there are people around all of us that we can’t see, who are secretly helping us achieve the things we want.

I immediately knew what the peeps were trying to say to me. I could imagine that if I could hear them, it would go something like this:

You’re a f-ing douche bag for not feeling worthy! Get over your un-f-ing worthiness and believe how great you f-ing are!

Yeah, my People love to use bad language … I mean, they are my people, what else would they be saying?

Why is it that we tend to feel not worthy of deserving …  be that in the form of praise, accomplishments, receiving, even of wanting something?

For the most part, I do have a strong sense of worthiness, of self confidence, belief and desire. But, my run-in with Adrienne today revealed that, somewhere within myself I hold some sort of resistance and uncomfortability around this. Which is pointless.

Being hit with a paper ball only confirmed my thoughts. I should be owning my inner power, all of us should be, constantly and incessantly.

If I walked around day in and day out consistently feeling as fabulous as Adrienne thinks I am, imagine all the amazing things I’d be attracting into my life. I mean, I do and am attracting great things into my life, but I’m talking about even more goodness and greatness … there can never be enough of that.

You know who does a damn good job of this inner power business?


Weren’t expecting that one, were you?

In all seriousness though … my cats – oh I’m feeling a future post coming on, all about my cats. No, that’s not a typo, that is plural with an “s” at the end – are always in this calm space of solidness. There’s no worry or concern. They’re all: I’m cool. I know it. Now feed my ass. Now pet me. Now let me purr on you. Now feed my ass again. In that order.

Talk about worthiness.

I think this is well captured here. Stella’s working some ‘tude … the fuck yeah, I’m so great. Get that camera out of my face before I claw you.


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