
Every morning {post coffee intake}, I ask myself, self how can I best be of service today?

Then I usually have another coffee as I ponder this and the other greater mysteries of life {yes, service can be a mystery at times, too}.

Said no one.

Okay, said no one who has a baby and is working. That’s probably not fair of me.

I’m sure — wait — not sure. I’m 100000% certain there are millions of mamas out there who are much more competent and capable than I and have the mental capacity to be philosophical and give their kid a boob and respond to an email all at the same time.

Service should be an important part of all of our days. Service is so gosh darn cool in the sense of how broad it is for interpretation.

Maybe service to you is writing a check to a charity while to me it’s giving one of my students a second chance on an assignment. Service comes in all forms.

There’s no wrong.

And we should all be doing it. We need to ask ourselves every damn day, what can I do to help? What can I do to make life better?

Our actions define us. How we treat each other defines us.

Let’s make it GD good.

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