
Hope everyone has been able to take a moment to soak in the great energies surrounding this day.

11 just so happens to be a power number in numerology.

Some believe this date is tied to the Mayans, following a sequence which we will see next year with 12.12.12. That is, unless you think the world is going to actually end.

11 also represents a number of activation … in areas of our life and beyond.

Who can’t use some more activation?

Here’s some more info on today from some great yogis, Ana Brett and Ravi Singh:

“To have 11 occurring 3 times on a day is auspicious to say the least. This date adds up to an “8,” which is the energy of Infinity, life force via the breath, inspired leadership, abundance, healing and fearlessness. Based on those calculations, this day is an open door to a new way of being. Everything points to 11:11:11 as a catalyst for the celebration of Spirit!

So, how do we need to prepare for this “Masterful” day?

Numerologically speaking, 11 is a Master Number representing Perfected Being. 1 is the number of one’s finite identity (I am), and 11 is the number of I Am That I Am, which is another way of expressing Totality, the Universe, or “God.” So if you were to do nothing out of the ordinary on 11:11 you might have a great day anyway.

But, if you are an 11 person (and on that day we all will be), it means that there is twice the potential to  be GREAT on that day! As an 11 it’s easy to coast and have a comfortable life without really having to extend yourself. In a sense you have “good karma,” so there’s no overt need to push yourself, but that’s exactly what your soul contract requires of you.

As an 11 you are meant to be a Master in this lifetime day to day.That means to go the extra mile in terms of your Spiritual practice and personal priorities. Sound scary? From the perspective of the ego it is, but from the perspective of the soul it’s incredibly glorious!

It doesn’t mean you have to drop everything and go live in an ashram or monastery. It means to live on purpose, dedicate yourself to a Spiritual discipline, and be open to the special task which  the Universe has in mind for you.

You don’t have to force things. When we are able to create an ongoing relationship with Spirit, things flows the way they’re meant to.

All we have to do is go along for the ride and have a great adventure!”

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