Soulfull Saturday.

Tonight, i lay down and fell asleep with Foh. It was the actual best ever, People.

We recently got him a new bed and it’s been such a transformation. Now both The BF and I can squeeze in, all three together, and lay there with him and do story time. Foh also is just super into his big boy bed that he has to climb up into and is captivated by the play space underneath.

He’s grown up expoenentially in just the one week he’s moved rooms and sleeping in this bed.

It’s also riiiiiiiiidiculously comfortable. Way more comfortable than our bed {hello, new mattress?}. Tonight, he asked me to put my arm around him, he snuggled in even closer and my whole body relaxed as I breathed him in.

Giving thanks for a warm bed, to be able to share in these moments. To know for certain in that moment how loved, secure and safe he felt.

I want every single child to feel that way.

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