It’s Late.

And it’s icy out.

Actually, let’s make that an all out ice storm that we’re in the middle of.

As I type, I hear the crackle of ice hitting the windows. I find it to be rhythmic and comforting.

And awakening.

Because, yeah, it woke me.

Alright. So first The BF woke me. But that was a very much needed wake up call.

The last I heard, his car was in a ditch and he was waiting for a tow from AAA. What self respecting, good GF wouldn’t be worried about her man?

He’s safe, and sound. At a bar. I’m sure this probably would be the ideal place for any manly man to end up in an ice storm.

I tried going back to sleep, but I knew after 15 minutes, it wasn’t happening.

That was around the time the thoughts started flooding my mind. No better time to write when such a thing occurs.

There’s also no better time for a late night snack.

I’m double flanked right now — Brie and crackers on my left — honey and hot garlic pepper jelly on my right.

Cheese and crackers is always one of my staple go-to snacks. Now that my Brie stock has been replenished {but quickly being depleted at the same time}, I love adding some honey on top of it.

Aunt J broadened my horizons further with the hot garlic pepper jelly.

Which sounded utterly disgusting to me at the time. For starters, I’m not into garlic. It just doesn’t seem very ladylike. Yes, that’s the first thing that strikes me about garlic.

Maybe because I have an unfortunate little prob where garlic seems to linger for inordinate amounts of time. Regardless of extremely conscientious teeth brushing – and I do mean extremely conscientious.

Who wants to make out with someone with lingering garlic? Point proved.

I also happen to not be into hot, spicy foods. I’m trying, I really am. To gain some sort of tolerance.

It’s going slowly. I try to take baby steps, because my tongue easily breaks out from spice. Not fun.

Now that I’m thinking about it, maybe I just have a weird mouth.

Anyway. What I’m trying to get to is – anything involving jelly that includes hot and garlic doesn’t appeal to me.

But Aunt J knew what she was doing when she picked that up for me in fancy schmancy Harbor Springs.

It’s so good! An excellent complement to the Brie.

The only thing about trying to eat my snack and type is a slight disconnect of coordination … i.e. a sloppiness.

Here I am trying to get the brie on the cracker, but some of it is sticking to the plate. So I try to get it off with the knife, only to cause crackers to fall.

I get it on the cracker and the jelly doesn’t quite make it on. I already unknowingly laid my left forearm in it twice and there’s tons of crumbs in the keyboard.

I’m too lazy to get up for a napkin, but then remember that when I’m also lazy while cleaning, I do things like throw away perfectly fine napkins in the trashcan under the desk here, because that somehow is easier than putting it where it belongs.

The upside to this is — yes, there’s a method to the madness — I know I can always get a clean napkin out of the trashcan. I know, how much more backwards can it get, right?

But, this lazy tactic really does come in handy, because I’m prone to spills. I like to think it’s just where clean napkins belong, under the computer desk trashcan.

You know, I’m suddenly feeling tired.

Could be the Brie. Or staring at a bright screen.

I better go seize my moment before it passes me by … does that happen to you, too … this small window of sleep opportunity that if passed by, might not come back around for a while?

Beauty sleep calls my lovelies …


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