I Was Sleeping.

Keyword here being was.

Prior to this sleep I was feeling all proud of myself for actually getting into bed before midnight on a Friday night. I know, you don’t have to tell me how wild I am … living life on the edge here.

So there I was. Almost asleep. I was in that dream-like state where you feel yourself starting to fall or trip or something or another along those lines in the dream when … the phone rings really loudly, because Brother is all about having the ringer turned up as high as possible {I opt for silent}.

How dare the phone! Ringing me out of my slumber. The nerve. Naturally, I ignored it.

Just when I settle back down, thinking I’m going to fall asleep for real, my cell phone starts ringing. WTF.

I looked at the caller id and was shocked to see it was Brother 2. He usually doesn’t call this late unless he’s boozing it up. And I wasn’t really feeling a half asleep convo.

As I settle back down again, my foot kicks something furry and warm, followed by some annoyed meows and a hiss. How the hell did I not notice Minerva in bed?

It probably had something to do with the haphazard sheet mess on my bed, since I was too lazy to put the clean sheets on. So you know what I did? I threw the sheets on the bed, more like in the corner of the bed and pulled the comforter over me. Because yes, sometimes that just seems easier than actually making the bed. Which really is very un-Taurus like, but it happens.

All this activity must have worked up an appetite in me because I then couldn’t fall back sleep due to extreme stomach growls of hunger. You’d think I had skipped lunch, a snack and dinner. But no. Oh, no. I had all three of those and then some.

I went with my grandmother to a retirement party for a friend of Gpa’s tonight. I didn’t really want to go, but I did want to support her, and in some way, Gpa, as well. Plus I was told there was going to be good food. Nothing like a little food inspiration to get me somewhere.

I got five desserts. Yes, five. It required two separate trips to the dessert table. But really, I only ate two and a half. You see, I like to try a variety. I don’t want one, I want all of them but then I’m not sure that I’m going to like all of them, so I sample before proceeding with consumption.

It’s really a very wise thing to do. It ensures you don’t needlessly eat sweets that aren’t worth their caloric price tag so that you can fully enjoy what you do shove in your mouth. Was it strange that dessert plate number two was also filled up with cheese and a cheeseball? Yeah, cause nothing says Choco Oat Brownie like a little sharp cheddar with that.

Oh and in the middle of the retirement speeches guess whose cell phone started going off? We can all guess who also felt like a huge a-hole about it. I made a vow to never ever be annoyed nor judge anyone whose phone starts ringing in the middle of an event from here on out. On the positive side of things — who knew I’d discover some further compassion and empathy tonight? Definitely not me.

When I was finally able to check my phone to see who had called, I was surprised that it was Comm and his message was classic … informing me that I must, absolutely must watch the women’s body building contest. What? Seriously, this is what interrupted an entire dinner? I was thoroughly humored.

I can’t really say I was all that surprised by my late night hunger. It happens all the time. You know those people who say they stop eating at 8, or heck, I even remember when Oprah for a while there wouldn’t eat past 7 {or was it 6?}, yeah well, that isn’t me. I’m a fan and big supporter of late night snacking. It’s way more fun.

So I did the only logical thing – I got up, went to the kitchen and yes, I’m eating now. And yes, it’s glorious. I think food, any food, tastes better at 2 a.m.

What doesn’t?


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