Whose Running This Show?

This is what is happening right now:









See these great looks of concentration? Are they working a puzzle? No. Solving thought provoking mind games? No.

Pondering the complexities of world peace and solving world hunger? Hell to the no. They’re watching a movie.

At one point, I actually had the tv and the portable DVD player going. Do I know how to entertain or what?

I  just did not know what else to do to fit in a quick yoga session. Well, not so quick … I’ve been trying to get in an hour of yoga over the past almost now two. Between breaking up fights, asking whose crying and why, three snack times and telling them they had to be laying down on the couch {in the hopes that they might fall asleep} about 880, 000 times, I’m thinking about calling it a day.

I’m exhausted. Again. Imagine that. And I must be accumulating some toxins, more like toddler children toxins, because the yoga that I have done, has left me feeling shaky and nauseous.

Just how in the world did Maman do this with three of us? There had to be times where she was about to lose her f-ing mind. Because I feel like I’m about to, and these aren’t even my children. I love them, yes. I adore them completely. I would do absolutely anything for them, and I do.

But. This doesn’t mean the whole thing isn’t draining. Doesn’t test your limits and have you gritting your teeth and biting your lip from screaming out in frustration. It sure as heck doesn’t mean it ain’t hard, because it is.

Hard and worth it.

And hysterical. Absolutely hysterical.

Last night, after another round of movie time, Brother and I carried them up to bed. Little niece wakes up and says to me, “but Auntie, we haven’t brushed our teeth yet. We HAVE to brush our teeth.”

My response?

“No, you don’t. Go to bed. I love you.”

“What! My mom says we HAVE to BRUSH OUR TEETH EVERY night.”

“Well, you’re not tonight, GO TO BED. I LOVE YOU.”

Can I tell you just how irresponsible I felt having a five and a half year old school me in lessons on the importance of teeth brushing?

Oh, what? Come on now, it’s not like you brushed your teeth every single night. You didn’t, did you?

Whose running this show anyway? Because it surely doesn’t feel like me and it’s definitely not Brother.

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