Because Organizing.

My closet in the middle of the night is just so necessary.

And I just get so much more done. Does this happen to any of you, too?

It might also help that I’m alone. No Brother tonight. No BF. They’re off having a romantic evening together … with about 75 other people … staying up all night drumming.

Here I sit, typing … surrounded by clothes, shoes, old papers, cds and memories. Oh, the memories.

This is what happens when I go down this road … there’s always bound to be something I find … tonight that something would be my sophomore year prom picture.

Oh yeah. And you know what … It’s not nearly as bad as I would have imagined. The other prom year pics are most likely a very different story, but this one …

I’ll be damned if my 16 year old self didn’t know a thing or five about what she was doing when she picked a classy black dress, good shoes and I’d still do my hair the same … okay, minus some of that height.

I’d say that’s definitely a solid success. What say you?

Also. What is it about organization that somehow leads me to Clorox wipes?

Which then lead me to taking an all around the board Clorox break and wipe down everything … like even the trashcan and the refrigerator door.

Or anything that involves a handle.

Now. If only I could find my Dido cd … where the hell did that go, and how did it, or should I say — they — go anywhere? I had multiple cds of Life For Rent and her first album. For some reason I’m blanking on the name.

It would be the perfect music right now. Not too loud. Just mellow enough.

What’s up with not being able to find things. It’s like how I implemented my labeler/hanging folder system to keep myself soo organized and so I’d know where to go to find any important paper … okay, and even the non important ones, too.

Yet, I spend a good 20 mins trying to locate my car insurance info, only to discover I put it in the Anthem folder. What. The. Hell.

Why do I do this? The scary part is that I actually remember doing this and thinking it was a good idea.

I’m sure that was another middle of the night rogue organizational attack.

Be careful of these ambushes … one never knows when they might strike at late night hours …

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