Wide Awake.

What is it about late night hours that suddenly have me wide awake.

Jacked and ready to go.

Happens way too frequently, People. I have a small, make that miniscule, window of time to capitalize on where I can go to sleep.

If I don’t go to sleep right at that time, then forget it. The second, third and fourth winds come. Such as say, oh, right now.

Granted, I have one unhappy howling — yes, I did say howling — cat locked in a bathroom who is not going to be denied.

Had no idea she had it in her to be so damn loud. Never under estimate the vocal prowess of a fatty tabby. I am left feeling like an abusive parent and the worst mama ever.

Can you imagine how I’ll feel when it’s an actual real child? Not that I’m going to lock my child in a bathroom! Or anything! Well, that’s we hope, at least. Joking, joking.

Plus it’s just plain hard to sleep the night before anything big, cause, I just want to get to the thing that needs to happen.

Damn it. There I go. Getting all ahead of myself.

Breathe. Send good vibes to Stell to kindly be quiet. Breathe again. Try to sleep.

And “enjoy the process.”



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