
In all honesty, I had completely forgotten it was Inauguration day till late this afternoon. I am also breaking one of my promises of no talking about politics on here.

Although, I don’t really think this counts. Or we’re going to pretend it doesn’t. Just for today. Besides. When it comes to our President — whatever party that may be — it’s still our President. And I believe that calls for respect

I mean, last time I checked, we weren’t running this country {minus you, Mr.President, if you happen to be reading} and it’s always easy to point fingers and say what we’d be doing better or differently.

I say, go out to your local community and your own life, and start enacting change and then see how you view things.

Today, my mind has been on much more important things, like my own life, than the Inauguration. That’s what moving does to you and your brain. You think of things like, stainless steel kitchen utensils, not an Oath of office.

However. I always do enjoy a good speech. I’m one big sucka when it comes to speeches. They always woo me with their words and ideas. I am consistently moved.

Okay, so I suppose I can’t say this about every speech, but when it comes to the big world happenings that involve speeches, I’m probably going to say I was totally swept off my feet.

Our President’s speech today, naturally, falls into the swept-off-my-feet-wooed category.

Plus, I get especially nostalgic with Inauguration speeches from having been to four.

Alright. So really three where I was in actual attendance. One where I sat in the warmth of TC’s office, because what grade schooler wants to freeze their ass off with hundreds of thousands of people and listen to speeches?

And I gotta say, People, the energy at an Inauguration. Nothing … there is nothing like it I have experienced yet.

There is a true electricity and excitement in the air. A coming together, if you will. A true feeling of being united with your fellow Americans.

It is the show of all shows.

The entourages alone are their own entertainment. And the whole glitterati crowd.

TC always got really good seats in the press section, so as I became older, I appreciated it a hell of a lot more and plus, it was just plain fun.

There really is a sense of camaraderie … that whole coming together as I previously mentioned … and it’s such an interesting mix of all classes, types, personalities, blue and white collar.

I have such great memories of those three colder than hell January afternoons with TC. That’s where the real nostalgia comes in. Father’s do that to you. With my move and the stress that has involved, I told asked TC to be positive and supportive.

His response : “positive and supportive! But I can’t be both those things at the same god damn time!”.

Said in true TC fashion. Though I must hand it to him, he really has been both.

Back to our O-Speech. I think my fave part is the following.

Our journey is not complete until all our children, from the streets of Detroit to the hills of Appalachia to the quiet lanes of Newtown, know that they are cared for and cherished and always safe from harm.That is our generation’s task, to make these works, these rights, these values of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness real for every American. Being true to our founding documents does not require us to agree on every contour of life.  It does not mean we all define liberty in exactly the same way or follow the same precise path to happiness Progress does not compel us to settle century’s long debates about the role of government for all time, but it does require us to act in our time.

Let us each of us now embrace with solemn duty, and awesome joy, what is our lasting birthright.  With common effort and common purpose, with passion and dedication, let us answer the call of history and carry into an uncertain future that precious light of freedom.
This is it. Allowing each other to be, with our own individual ideas and beliefs, whatever those may be, but being united in our founding beliefs of happiness, to act in the greater good for all.
For us to remember that we are not separate, but together and together we can do a hell of a lot more. This thing is not random.

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