One Way; One Year.

This is the alley right behind Guru’s store. The alley that I never, ever – obey.

It’s my protest.

My affirmation of non-conformity. It’s a small thing, really, but a representation of something much bigger  … of  me staying me, regardless of what anything or anyone else is saying.  And of bigger things, too, I just can’t quite articulate what those things are at the moment.

But I feel them.

Don’t worry, I always look before I turn left and I’m very cautious. I make sure there aren’t any other cars coming and I remain as safe as possible … I just simply cannot bring myself to follow the “One Way.”

Really now, what in life is “One Way”, anyway? Or is it that it is many ways within the one? Omg. Did I just come up with my own {Zen} Koan?! Ha. Koans. I feel like I totally get them, until I try to explain it to someone else, which turns into a big cluster F.

Today also marks the one year anniversary of Gpa’s transition to non physical and Brother’s Birthday.

Both being celebrations. Even though it was still hard to walk by Gpa’s this afternoon, we could feel him there with us … probably wondering what in God’s name we were doing hauling ass in 19 degree afternoon weather. Yeah, what the hell were we doing? It was way too cold to have spent 50 minutes walking B.

That’s just the thing he’d say. And I know, like Guru, he’d shake his head at my One Way ignorance, try to talk me out of it and then realize it was pointless.

And like Guru, I picture him standing there, watching me drive off, waving and laughing.

One way that’s become my way.

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