An incredibly strange thing.

Just happened.

Alright, so it didn’t just happen. It happened yesterday, but the second half of it did just happen, as in a few minutes ago …

I went to log-in to my gmail account. And received the following …

Le nom d’utilisateur ou le mot de passe saisi est errone.

Did you catch that? Yes, I do have my gmail set up in French. Phone, too.

Incorrect name or password.

No way. Not possible. So I try again.

Le nom d’utilisatuer ou le mot de passe saisi est errone.

So I enter again.

And again.

And again.

At this point I’m having to enter the code, which I never get right anyway — hey, Google, can you at least make those letters clear enough to read?

How bizarre. A password I enter multiple times a day, everyday. No way this is on me.

Maybe someone is hacking my account? You know, for all those juicy detailed filled emails I get all the time. What can I say, I lead life on the edge.

I spent a good 40 minutes trying to enter my password, look up if Gmail was down, and read through all of the pages on the Gmail site if your username/password is not working.

Finally, I gave in.

I re-set my password. The only hope I had.


Gmail access once again. Hurrah.

It wasn’t until I just attempted to log-in about 20 minutes ago, as my fingers quickly flew over the keys on the keyboard, typing in my password, that IT hit me.

I did have the wrong password all along!

What the hell! How could this be?

As I said, this is a password that I probably enter a minimum of five times a day, and I not only suddenly blank on it, I enter a totally different password, wholeheartedly believing — no, not believing, I (thought I) knew the password was 10000% correct.


Now I possess a razor sharp memory, I’m a Taurus. That’s just how we are.

Nothing like this has ever slipped my mind. Ever.

How did I come up with a completely different password, that isn’t even one of my current passwords for any account and believe it was right?

How does this happen?

Do tell, because I’m quite curious to hear the explanation and I’m certain there has to be some neurological, psychosomatic reason.

I wonder if this how old people feel? I should be careful, I’m probably treading on fine ground here, but I truly mean no harm.

Naturally, this has posed an even larger, looming question … if I believed with absolute certainty that my password was right, what else am I holding onto that I believe I’m so “right” about?

And what if, it’s completely the opposite?

How many things do I cling to, unnecessarily so?

I know we all do this. Defending our beliefs, insisting our way is the right way. The other way is the wrong way.

When maybe all along, everyone is wrong. Because no one can ever be right.

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