Walking In A Winter Wonderland.

This afternoon, I did something out of my comfort zone.

I walked in the snow. A frenzied, fluffy, thick snow that came down so fast my scarf was covered in about three minutes, freezing my chin and I found that I was actually walking with my tongue sticking out.

Which was a good thing, because Murph and I , we def looked like we should be walking together.

Having moved and being B-less has been tough. Really tough, People. How I love that dog. But I know B is where she should be — in her home, with Brother.

Plus I’m still over there everyday. So I don’t even think she knows I’m technically gone. Oh, and plusstill, I have tons of my stuff there.

If you were to come over, you wouldn’t know I didn’t live there. I was all gungho two weeks ago about moving all the shit out, until The BF brought all of his shit over and then I thought better.

I thought … I know my self well enough to know that self cannot handle too much unorganized, dumped in a closed door room shit.

My novel idea was to wait for The BF to organize all his heaping piles, then get my stuff. Nothing has still been touched in said closed door room and I am in no rush to get the rest of my belongings.

It just seems to be too much … of the stuff. I find the stuff starts to physically weigh me down, okay, so it feels like it physically weighs on me. I feel so happy and free here in our new home.

Bare walls, minimalist everywhere I turn. It is freeing. I swear I breathe easier. I’m happy just the way it is.

So my walk with Murph. It was much needed. We need to bond more. We took off at a good pace and I quickly found — imagine this — that I was enjoying this walk.

It brought back great childhood memories of the excitement of playing during a snowfall, snowmen and snowball fights.

It was beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking. The branches reflecting their outline piles of white seemed to glow. I felt like I was on the sidewalk in Narnia, waiting at the lamp post.

Because I totally want those magical worlds to be real. And I’m not afraid to admit it.

But I thought, maybe, the magical world is this world. I want the far fetched realms, but perhaps they’re already here. Waiting to be found.

I believe in the everyday magic, but maybe there’s even more …. that I haven’t been ready to see. It’s time to start looking with new eyes.

And saying yes to more of the things I’m inclined to say no to.

For Aslan!

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