
The Universe knew, that what I needed — really needed — today, was warmth.

The sun. Blue skies and some nice white, fluffed out clouds.

These are the things that fill my heart with hope and nourish my soul.

Brother and I took B on a long walk, because that’s what a day like this calls for {in winter!} and that movement was so so oh so good.

Fresh air. Warm sun. I was had. Forget Jerry Maguire. That’s enough to complete me.

As happens with all our walks, Brother and I covered a variety of topics. What would I do without him? I know I say this all the time, but it’s true. He’s the most important in my life {don’t fret my dears, Rio gets his own special category}, my solid go-to. The person I can say anything to and know he has no choice to never not talk to me again.

Anyway, Our conversation started on something we perceived as an “injustice” … I typically try not to engage in these sorts of things, which I’m sure you can tell, since I can’t even remember what it was we were discussing, and I started to feel a bit down about the state of our world.

I hear this is rather easy to do, according to a lot of People I know, who enjoy pointing out all the horrible things going on … but these People, they aren’t you — not my People People — and since they’re not you, they don’t know that my levels of optimism run unnaturally high.

Just as I was preaching my whole “I believe in the good of everyone” {see – I told you I annoy even myself at times}, we turned down a street we almost never walk.

And what do my little eyes spy but kittens. Of course, it would be damn cats. I’m telling you, People, they just find me. It’s what they do.

And of course, I couldn’t just leave well enough alone. Much to Brother’s horror, I have to stop, then knock on the door, then ask a zillion questions.

Are they yours? Do they have a food source? Injuries? Fleas? And so forth. I can’t not get involved. It’s a flaw of mine.

I stood there talking with this woman, who clearly didn’t have much, yet told me how she lovingly cares for these littles. She can’t have them in the house, due to allergies, but as she said, “I do what I can.”

I do what I can.

I’ve been hearing it over and over and over. What if, People … what if we all did what we can?

Just our small part. The little things that we can do that maybe we over look or feel we can’t be bothered to do … yet if we do them, imagine how much this would change everything!

If all of us did what we can do I truly have no doubt this world would insta-change. If we picked up trash when we see it. If we helped one animal find a home. If we spent time with one child in need. If we fed a family.

I’m not a big if kinda girl. I at least, like to think, I’m a do kinda girl. Who admittedly, hasn’t done as much as she can.

This woman, whose name I don’t even know, changed and challenged me today … to evoke the best parts of me that do in what I can do.

She re-minded me, so that I can now re-mind you, as you can go and re-mind another. Together, not separate. Right?

So. Go do.



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