The BE In Best.

That Guru. He really knows how to get right to it now, doesn’t he?

Then again, isn’t that what Gurus do? In like point 9 seconds, they get shit so right so quick that you immediately start nodding your head in agreement and feel all pumped that you are you and I are I. Did that make sense? Let’s go with it anyway.

Today’s daily dose of wisdom: You — I’m talking to you! God damnit, are you listening to me, put the candy down for a second. You are the best. When you are the best, you then have a responsibility to your self to be the best. Your only job is being the best and from there you will dare to be great in everything.

So. Um, yeah. That left me open mouthed, and I didn’t dare pick up the mini Reese’s cups  to stuff in my mouth after that either. Why does he always have to have the minis laying around? I eat four at a go and it doesn’t even feel like I ate anything, so then I’ll reach for four more and so forth. He’s started stocking up on fruit  … as though I’m going to have a freaking pear when there’s cookies, Reese’s and Nonni’s Biscotti. There’s a losing battle for you.

As with all things Guru says to me, I allowed his words to sink in … to digest them. Words can be just like food in that way. Sometimes they really hurt your stomach and you feel all nauseous or sometimes they give you the best temporary high before you come crashing down.

Our words are important to work through. Especially because they bring up all sorts of thoughts and feelings, instantaneously able to evoke such emotion from us.

In this case, I felt a surge of embarrassment.

Me? Be the best?

I felt incredibly uncomfortable with the mere thought. In fact, I was nothing short of horrified when Guru told me to repeat back to him, I am the best.

People. I couldn’t do it. I felt the color on my cheeks. The sudden heat in my palms. I looked down.

He sighed. I groaned.

And I thought … why is it that we pride ourselves on being good but not too good? Smart but not too smart? Successful but not too successful? Yes, there is something to be said for humbleness. But who the hell drew up this invisible line of too much and too little that we tap dance across?

How many times have we used the word “conceited” when describing someone? Why is this such a negative word? Why aren’t we more full of our selves?

Why aren’t we all going around proclaiming our bestness? Because we all have it. All of our bests being completely different yet, as with all things, interconnected.

Granted, we already are doing this … it’s just like when we divide up a project and everyone is assigned a different role based on one another’s strengths.

Yet why are we not doing this in our personal lives and endeavors more? Guru’s onto something here …. that in being the best, we will then dare to be great. We’ll dare more in general.

As I was getting into my car to leave, Guru asked me one more time, tell yourself, even if you’re alone, that you are the best everyday. You’ll eventually believe it.

My entire six minute drive home, I repeated, I am the best.  The first 15 were practically impossible to spit out, but eventually I started to feel better and it became easier.

The thing is, I do want to be the best. In something. I’m not sure what that something is yet, and maybe it’s as simple as just being kind to people.

This being the best ties in perfectly to What You Be … the be in best as the ultimate reminder … this life of ours truly is what we are being.

And if that’s the case, we might as well make it the f-ing best. Yes?






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