This Little Light Of Mine.

I’m gonna let it shine.

The Littles have been singing it at the top of their lungs all day. NO, really, all day.

Beginning with waking up when the first M came running out the room, ran into Murphy, and said, Muwphy this little light of mine – I’M GONNA LET IT SHIIIIIINE.

Those are the best words to wake up to. Ever.

TC and Brother {okay, mainly this is all TC} has told me that since I’m “in training” with The Littles, then I need to realize what it’d be like if this was actually my life.

But, People. I’ve got this shit. I do. I’m not just saying it. You know I’d never be able to do that. This is in large part due to the 50 inches of screen gorgeousness sitting downstairs and making promises of morning movie watching.

The Littles were so jacked. They jumped up and down and were all, our mom NEVER lets us watch movies in the morning. I assured them that any morning with me they could watch whatever movie they wanted. That’s some bonus bribery points right there.

This is what you have to do when work calls {literally} and shit needs to get done. The tv. I’m saying it right here, right now. I will never ever ever ever judge parents who sit their kids in front of the tv. I mean, in addition to being informed that anytime I judge I’ll create some GD karmic bond to then experiencing said judgment, it’s really the safest place and thing for them to do.

You know they won’t get up and wander away. Or, somehow get out the knives or just tear the house apart. Safe and contained. This is what we’re going for here, People.

I did decide they should probably have creative brain power time, too. So, The BF busted out white paper and Sharpies. And I was beaming with pride for the both of us of being so responsible and creative with them. Until five minutes into their “dwawings”, I discovered the Sharpie’s were getting more on their shirts than the paper. Joy! Permanent marker stains on designer duds. Great.

Let me interject here — there just seems to be too many things to have to remember and keep straight with kids. You think you’re doing something good and then things like this happen. Ruining clothes. Or god forbid, forgetting the damn Thomas train when you go to the store. Water bottles. Snacks. I mean, pretty much anything is fair game, which I find horribly unfair.

Because as we know, I’m an on it kinda Taurus. I’m a hyper organized cleaning machine. My shit is almost always in order. I’d say always, but then I’ll be struck down tomorrow by some unfortunate event and feel like an asshole and be put back in my place.

So, yeah. Sharpie’s. That was short lived. But bubbles. Those are an ass saver right there. I don’t think bubbles ever disappoint. Do they?

This is success:

As is the porch swing. It was straight up Kodak moment worthy when TC and Brother showed up to relieve me.

And, by the way, this is what relief from children looks like. I’m half surprised they didn’t start spooning.

Tonight, we had sleepover number four. Which meant more movie watching. Snuggling up on the couch. With popcorn {duh}. I was getting them ready for bath time, when I found the Littlest M standing there, peeing into the tub.

He was quite impressed with himself because he said, auntie do you see what I’m doing? I’m spelling my name. Why no, I had no idea. Thanks for the spelling lesson. I’ll never forget it.

Further cloroxing. Then teeth brushing with Spiderman and Hello Kitty.

After the 17th story, I insisted they each go to the bathroom before bed, but Littlest M was adamant he didn’t need to go. I still made him.

There he stands. And stands some more. He looks up at me all smug-like and says, I told you I didn’t need to go but I do have poop coming out my butt RIGHT NOW!

I sat him down just in time. Whew. That’s one thing I never mess around with — the “P” word. Because I hate that word. It grosses me out. I tried to bribe The BF but he was having no part in it.

I have had every.single.parent. tell me that when it’s my kid I’ll feel different. Things like puke and poo won’t bother me one little bit. It will be different.

I don’t believe it. I call b.s. on it. I think those things will always gross me out. It’s just part of what you have to deal with.

But I’ll deal with anything when it comes to these two. They are my Littlest Loves in the biggest of ways.





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