Happiness & Grateful.

I had no clue, not even a remote one, that happiness and grateful {in addition to the emotional realm} come in carpeting shades.

Truly a brilliant marketing ploy for New Age{ish} suckers like me who, if I didn’t have hardwood floors, would be all over this.

All carpeting aside, this does pretty much sum me up right now. Happy and grateful. I’ve got my family, The BF and all sorts of other wonderful people in my life.

My Happiness cup runneth over. Although to continue to keep it real, I wasn’t particulary feeling all that grateful this morning. We had a bit of suitcase drama — The Littles’ suitcase would not open. I still don’t know what happened to it.

Brother, whose always able to get these sorts of things figured out, couldn’t figure it out. Which meant it escalated to about a Def Con 9 status level for me with two crying kids who wanted to get dressed and brush their teeth. That last one was b.s., they never want to brush their teeth, but I think they assumed they better take advantage of the situation to try to make themselves look better.

I don’t blame them. I do it all the time myself.

I also was unequipped with breakfast, since TC was supposed to relieve us this morning and bring a healthy fast food breakfast over. Nothing like starting your day off with drive throughs. He bailed on us. I tried calling him for over 45 minutes and the phone was perpetually busy. I secretly think he took it off the hook. Not like I could blame him for that — it was just really poor timing.

I’m in the midst of trying to have a conference call, but end up hitting speaker and mute, while The Littles slip notes under the door and then come in to “whisper” {read: shout} that they really want their clothes to put on and how can they go out in monster and Hello Kitty pajamas?

They didn’t believe me when I told them I know plenty of high school kids who wear pajamas all the time. Since when did that start trending anyway?

It’s these kinds of suitcase situations that I find tend to make the best memories. Funny how it works like that. High drama and cray cray come out being what you remember fondly, while somehow being able to “forget” the trauma.

Happiness and Grateful. Yours in multiple shades, People.


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