Where Earth Meets Sky.

Sometimes, okay, a lot of times — I have no idea what I did to deserve such incredible humans in my life. I mean, besides trying to be a good one myself.

When it comes to People — My People People kind of People, I feel like I’ve hit the Mega Millions and the Powerball and the State Lotto — all in one.

And I have. Because my circle of People is my jackpot. I might not always talk to them, in fact, at times we are completely incommunicado, yet they always remain there.

The majority of my afternoon was spent out at Guru B’s — one of my People People. Staring at scenes like this gorgeous sky and soaking my feet in the warm pool waters and floating my cares away.

Guru B is like Guru. They really should meet. They’d totally be bff’s.

It’s like vacay. Actually better than vacay, since I never have to worry about leaving and how long it might be till I return next.

Life is rendered simple and clear to me when I’m there. I can, somehow, make sense of things I otherwise am unable to.

It’s my safe haven, where Earth meets the sky and I am reminded of the Yogi’s saying that: all possibilities are possible.

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