The Meaning Of Life.

I asked Siri, since Siri knows just about everything, what is the meaning of life?

Personally. I think Siri took the BS, get out of jail answer here. The, I’m not gonna go there but I’ll say something just to appease the masses.

Joking about this meaning of life question, made me have to think and actually answer to myself what feel the meaning of life is.

It’s a way harder question than it seems. If you’re anything like me, you draw a blank when asked questions.  I always have a lot of thoughts and ideas on the matter {or any topic}, but suddenly when posed with the direct question, nothing concrete comes to mind.

Like everything, I have to mull it over. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far:

1. Love. Life is love, love is life. I think this is our main goal being here on Earth: just love. As best we can. Which turns out to be the hardest and the simplest thing at the same time. This thing is not random, and somehow we are all connected — so we might as well just go ahead and love on each other.

2. Be the best us. Every situation that presents itself also presents the question of who we are going to be in that moment. Do we respond with anger or compassion? Love or hate? I tend to believe that we’re always supposed to be that highly evolved vision of ourselves that we hold in high esteem … that us that we attempt to be and want to be, but sometimes, we fall a little short of.

That’s it. I’m trying to keep it as simple as possible. Love and What You Be. If we keep those two things in mind in all that we do, we will kick the meaning of life’s ass. In a good way.



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