
Most times, when there’s a lot going on, or I think there’s a lot going on, I become paralyzed.

With this inability to move and to do. It’s like a wave of exhaustion immediately washes over me and my solution for all the shit that needs to happen is to take a nap instead.

Some might think this an avoidance technique. But I happen to think it’s more along the lines of a coping, best practices kind of technique. Yes, let’s just go with best practices.

Resting and slowing down. It’s another important thing, just like Savoring. I think it’s becoming even more important in our rush rush rush do do do kind of society.

I’m not really a rush rush rush or do do do kinda girl. At all. I revel in the nothing and the calm silence. It feels necessary to my Inner Being and Higher Self fully approves.

I need there to be not too much on my personal calendar. It’s enough that I’m getting married at the end of August. This calls for great pause and reflection in these coming weeks.

Really, I actually wrote that into my Google Calendar for every remaining Saturday night up until the wedding — PAUSE & REFLECT.

There are days, such as today, where it makes me feel very anti social, because I’m actually having our families over for dinner and have found myself overwhelmed with real legit things to do on a Sunday. It feels very unfair.

I found myself saying to Maman, why did I ever want to invite any of you over in the first place?!

I don’t mean for that to sound bad, because I truly have nothing but love for the fams, I just want to be left alone and have everyone else do everything else.

So instead of doing today, I slept most of the afternoon. It was wonderful.

Sleep just might be the best form of pause and reflection. Precisely because I don’t have to think about it — I just do it in the not doing of it. That’s a beautiful thing, People.

Let’s all do more pause. Stop rushing. Indulge in the extra nap.

Yoga calls. It fits into both the pause and reflect category. Another Beautiful Thing.

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