The Return Home.

There really is no place like home.

It is so good and so sweet to be back.

A few things I’m thankful for today:

1. My ability to sleep for long stretches during road trips. Thank The Jesus for this, because I don’t exactly have patience in the car. Maybe if I was retired and had no cares I might feel differently. That’s not the case right now and it’s a very beautiful thing to only have to experience 3 1/2 of an 8 hour trip.

2. Panera. It never tasted good. Then again, I tend to think everything tastes better on the road.

3. Home. Being back in my space.

4. My orange loves. No cold shoulder here. It’s been nothing but love for the last four hours since I stepped foot in the door. What was life like before having them around? Hard to remember.

5. Memories. These last few weeks will always be very near and dear to my heart. How lucky that we will get to return year after year to the place we were married at.

Lastly, I’m just plain feeling thankful about life. It’s pretty awesome.

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