Getting Cultured.

TC thought {probably still is thinking} that I’ve been listening to too much BeyoncĂ©.

He insisted {i.e. demanded} that I attend the symphony with him on Friday, so he must have been pretty concerned about my choice of music. My attempted booty shakes probably only added to his alarm.

I’ve never been able to master the booty shake. I thought, maybe, with more booty to shake now, it would be easier to do. Nope. Still can’t do it. Not that TC knew I was attempting a booty shake — he asked if it was a yoga stretch. Enough said on that front.

TC’s genuine enthusiasm and appreciation of the classical scene has been contagious and I was just able to tell the difference between Brahms and Bach the other day. Most likely will never happen again, but hey, I can feel damn good about myself that I got one correct identification after all these years.

TC is also very sneaky, in that he throws out these sorts of things to me, it’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to come but you know, this baby will be so much smarter and more well rounded starting NOW. Don’t you want that for your child? Any good parent would.

Say no more. Mommy Guilt me. Works like a charm.

I was a little concerned I wouldn’t be able to stay awake throughout this symphony, but I surprised me. Not only was I awake but I was into it. Brahms does that to me.

I have a new found appreciation for Brahms after I Googled him and realized how hot he was in his youthful days. They really should only show pictures of the young Brahms, as opposed to the old, fat, cigar mouthed Brahms with his arm half draped over the piano.

As I listened to the music being played, I kept my hands on my little belly, feeling FOH kicking and moving in response. Maybe culture does happen in the womb.

It made me wonder … what will FOH enjoy … what will the interests be, the talents? TC is counting on a musician since, all three of you let me down on that front. If only you had been somebody! Thanks for that, dad. How reassuring of your love and faith in us.

I hope to expose this little babe to as many things as possible, with art and music being a focal point. Better yet, I should just leave the culturing to TC. One of his strong points.

With a little Beyoncé added in there for effect, of course.

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