Lowering The Bar.

In my ever non preparedness state of baby FOH’s arrival, I decided I needed to lower the bar.

Like, drastically.

Lowering The Bar is hard for those of us who have the bar set pretty high. In my case, I knew it was necessary because hello, who out there {you supermoms do not count!} is able to work, care for a small child and vacuum everyday? And workout and be dressed, in real non-yoga clothes and do things like make dinner?

Yeah, I’m not really sure who either.

It turns out, it’s not nearly as hard as I thought it’d be to lower my bar. So yes, that’s why our Christmas wreath is STILL hanging on our front door. The floors haven’t been washed in two months and it’s been almost three weeks since I vacuumed our bedroom — a new record.

This is liberating for me, People. This is showing me that it’s okay — really okay — to let the non important things go. To not have to strive for a perfectly beautiful home at all times.

It’s freeing. Now. If only I can get away with dressing FOH in yoga only attire. Do they even make baby yoga clothes?



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