
After test driving cars this morning — I say cars, as though that could have been all morning — when in reality it was just two {which served as my dealership breaking point}. Two too many.

Don’t get me wrong — it was fun, but my stamina for anything these days is so damn low and plus I had TC with me. He becomes the most high maintenance child-like adult EVER when it comes to looking at cars. Yet. There’s no one else I’d want with me because he thinks of everything to ask and I knew he’d serve as my protection for any over zealous salesman to do a full court press on me.

Hey, I’m preg. And a little vulnerable on all fronts. Protection much appreciated.

After the cars, we headed for lunch, with an unexpected stop at Barnes and Noble. Then finally lunch. Then … Ikea. Ikea, People! Do you have any idea how proud I was that after so much Saturday activity, TC and I braved Ikea on a Saturday afternoon?! Yeah, I thought it was nothing short of miraculous, as well.

Naturally, I didn’t want to go in there. But it wasn’t so bad. I made quick decisions and there were a couple things I wanted to make sure I had pre-baby — TC thought these things completely unnecessary and wouldn’t stop hounding me about it until I asked if he was going to be the one to go out and get all the shit I need once FOH arrives because I’m not taking a two week old baby to Ikea. Or anywhere for that matter.

Don’t worry — I’m not going to be one of those weird germophobe moms, or one one of those moms who listens to her doctor when saying don’t leave the house for a solid month. Albeit, that last one is usually given if you’re having a winter baby with flu and all that crap, but there’s still plenty of doctors out there who suggest laying low.

Obviously, I’ll be laying low but not that low.

I’m sure you can guess what my evening consisted of. That is after TC and I went to support Brother, The BF, and their fellow {band} mates at their show … why yes, that would be Ikea assembling.

Ikea assembling always seems a little too symbolic for me, though. It becomes so much more than just putting together a seemingly simple baby gym. It turns into a representation of my life as I’m trying for 20+ minutes to figure out how in the world the screwdriver is not working to screw in those damn bolts and why can’t I just get it right the first time for once? 

And how come I can never ever ever figure out the damn diagrams? The only one I understand is where the person looks confused and picks up the phone. Because that’s completely me.

I did eventually master the baby gym. I did not master the shoe rack. I mean, really! A shoe rack, of all things! Something I thought would be so simple, but after being horribly confused, again, by the diagram and counting 17 bolts and screws, I decided to call it.

This was a job for someone else. Again. Assembly that resembles my inner psyche. Look at something. Have no clue at said something. Become slightly frustrated so decide to try to figure out something. Quickly realize it will take too long and I don’t have the patience for it.

Solution: Find someone else to do it for me.

I love delegation. I really do.

Now. If only all areas of my life could be so easy to assemble. I gather the pieces and pick what I like the best … then have someone else to do the actual heavy lifting for me.

Is that possible?

I do believe Law Of Attraction would say, does say, yes it is.

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