
How I spoke too soon.

That whole comment about breast feeding going so well, etc etc etc?

Yeah, well, my {left} boob is infected. Infected, People! How lovely is that.


I’m actually pretty shocked I have it. Baby J is all about the boobs. It’s boobs fo life up in here. He feeds every two hours like clockwork and he goes at it for a minimum of 25 minutes. Then there’s always a couple feedings throughout the day that are around 50.

With this kid feeding that long and frequently, I had no concern about the boobs. But the last couple days, I have felt really bad. So damn sick.

I’ve been telling The BF it’s like I have a horrible case of the flu. I’m chilled to the bone and keep shaking {yes, the space heater has made a re-appearance} and I’m running a high fever.

My concern was my vayjay. I thought that, if anything, I had an infection down there and if it’s one thing I’m not going to mess around with, it’s the thought of a possible infection in my lady parts.

So I went to see McDreamy today and sure, maybe, just maybe … I’d been missing her and wanted to see her sexy self. With my confidence flying high after yesterday’s successful outing, I felt good about bringing J to the appointment today and well, what the hell other choice did I have?

I’m at the stage where he needs to be with me 24/7 and the lactation consultant at the hospital told me not to pump for three weeks. Why, I can’t tell you. I was so out of it when she came by to see me. I think it’s something about establishing my milk supply.

TC picked us up and drove us to the appointment and I had him come in and wait with me. I didn’t want to wait alone! It was already enough that I had a baby with me, but to also have to sit there without any support … I can’t tell you how nervous I was about him crying or needing to change him or having some blowout happen or needing to feed him. You get the idea.

Now of all the times, I ended up waiting over 40 f-ing minutes before they called me back! I’ve never had to wait more than 10 minutes there and of course, now that I have Baby J with me, it took forever and a day. And a night.

I spent the entire 40+ minutes praying that he would cooperate and not cry and please get me on more borrowed time. Miraculously, he was picture perfect! Despite being overdue for a meal and the cramped quarters of the car seat, he didn’t cry or fuss. At all!

What a kid.

I was relieved to hear that my vayjay was not infected and when McDreamy asked about my boobs and I told her they were wonderful, though a little scary {thank god I never considered a boob job, People. I’d look SO weird. Because that’s exactly what I look like right now … me with implants}, she was skeptical and made me flash her. She pointed out a red rash on my left one that I insisted had just appeared. It’d be a little hard to miss considering I breast feed and stare at my boobs more than I ever have in my life now.

This recent red rash appearance was a good sign that the infection was pretty new and I was catching it early on. I also realized that it’s the infection that has things hurting and so sore, boob wise. I just figured that was a part of breast feeding. How would I know any differently?

I’m on antibiotics and supposedly I should feel worlds better within the next two days. I hope so.

It’s such a shame The BF wasn’t there to see McDreamy not only get to second but third base with me — all within the span of three minutes.

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