Getting Back.

Hallejuah! Call on the angels!

I am feeling much more “me” today. That means also much less crazy emotional.

FOH and I got out on a walk this afternoon … a real deal, pushing him in the stroller walk! For an entire 32 minutes. Brother came along with us, with Bailey in tow.

I can’t even tell you how good it felt to move, how therapeutic it was. Just the act of simple movement and being able to feel fresh air and the warmth of the sun on my face.

I am loving our BOB Revolution SE stroller. I had some doubts of whether or not I picked the right stroller. All doubts were put to rest about two minutes into the walk. It’s bad ass. I’m also pretty sure it could and would survive a nuclear attack. It’s one heavy duty piece of equipment!

It’s a dream to push and I know we’re going to get hundreds of miles of use out of it. Who knows, possibly thousands. Of course, FOH slept through his entire first walk. I probably would too if I could be pushed around in something that cozy and comfy, along with a blanket to keep me warm. Babies have it so good, People.

The walk was healing, I tell you. Straight up healing was had. Along with a feeling of, I can do this. Followed by, I think I’m going to really make it at Motherhood

I might not hit it out of the park everyday, or even anything remotely close to that. But I don’t have to. I have a sneaking suspicion that the only thing I have to do is to simply continue to be me and in that, I’ll be giving FOH the best gift of example … for him to be him.

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