
Every single damn year Spring sneaks up on me.

Shocking the hell out of me. As though it just suddenly, poof! Overnight, all flowers and trees bloomed. The weather became insta warmer and the grass greener.

I know it doesn’t happen like this, but it sure as heck feels like it does.

Today it feels oh so sweet to celebrate and enjoy Spring, this first 70 degree day, with FOH. My sun. Or son.

Today is for soaking in and letting go of the little things that don’t matter to remember the big things that do: play and laughter and barefeet on grass.

This is for enjoying the warmth of the day on our skin. For breathing in just a little deeper that fresh air scented crisp and clean. Please tell me I’m not the only one that believes Spring has a very distinct smell to it?

Today is for celebrating how good it is simply to be alive, to be human. To Love.

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