First Day.

Tomorrow is the day.

The First Day Of School Day.

There are always a lot of thoughts on my mind on this First Eve night. Not a single one revolves around instruction or grades or what I am going to teach.

It’s how we are going to be. How am I going to be. How can I get us to all be our best? How can I get us to love each other a little better?

How can we show more kindness, compassion and mindfulness? How can this come across in not only my teaching but every single interaction? How can we remember to have fun every day and not stress about all the small stuff?

This is a true gift, People — to be able to spend five days a week, the majority of our daytime waking hours, doing life together. I consider this Holy Ground we’re all walking on with each other.

I get to be a part of shaping lives. And likewise, they shape mine, too. What could be more powerful?


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