Rising Above.

This morning, I had one of my seniors come in to talk to me.

A fellow classmate made a particularly hurtful comment about her sister. She was distressed. Why would someone go out of their way to be mean? How should she respond?

I think it’s safe to say we all struggle with similar situations … what to do or not do? What to say or not say?

This student of mine was further conflicted because her mother suggested that her sister respond in kind.

My suggestion?

Rise Above.

What we say and what we do is our message to the world. With every single word, every single action, we announce who we are and what we stand for.

Reducing ourselves to similar levels of harm and petty gossip places us in the same category of those who word slingers. We don’t need more hurt. We need more Love.

We need to be strong enough to not be brought down by small minded individuals.

We owe to each other to be the bigger person.

Happy Friday. Go Rise Above, People.

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