Love Is.

The Answer.

Last week, I felt conflicted …

One of my oldest and dearest friends had a Birthday last week. We no longer talk.

No, we did not have a fight. Or some disagreement. No drama. Nor trauma.

Just that weird unspokenness of silent hurts waging between two people whose lives branch off in two different directions. And you wake up one day and realize how much you miss said friend. How no matter how many other friends there are and People you meet, no one is this friend.

You are bonded to said friend indefinitely. Somehow, the cords of connection still existing, despite dead communication

People. I don’t know what exactly happened with our friendship. Or more like didn’t happen.

I spent a few days leading up to her birthday agonizing. Should I or shouldn’t I email her? If I email, do I have to write an entire, thorough explanation? Is it too weird just to say, Happy Birthday, Friend?

I decided I wasn’t going to do it. Too much unknown I might be leading myself into … things I could not name but knew I did not feel ready for.

Then, at 10pm. on her birthday, as I stood in my kitchen, thinking of our past shared birthdays and all the happy, joyous memories that still bond me to her, it hit me.


How could I not email her? When is it not a good idea to choose Love over Fear?

When in doubt : don’t hesitate. Reach out. Love is The Answer.

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