In Amendment To.

The “Mercy Me” post.

That’s correct, I just used some legal jargon. Oh, how proud my father would be.

I’ll be the first to say — I don’t always articulate my thoughts in the best, most clearest way possible on the first go around.

It doesn’t help the cause that I write quickly and I rarely, if ever, edit my posts.

With that said, I wanted to make sure my point was made, since I think it got lost somewhere between Tom Petty and Christians.

It’s not just The Monkees. I’m a believer, yeah, too.

In many things, but in this case, I’m specifically referring to God, Source, Buddha, whatever you want to call it/Him/Her. Which most of you, who already read my posts, already know.

I practice Zen Meditation. I’m not a Buddhist. But I believe in the Buddha. I’ve gone to church and I believe in God. But I don’t call myself a Christian.

I don’t identify with any one thing.

To identify, for me, is an act in itself of already pushing against the exact thing I’m trying or striving to add to my life.

I am extremely spiritually minded.

You know I’ve got nothing but love for The People. For The Universe. For all the amazing, mystical, miraculous things that happen every minute on our Earth — these things do actually happen, you know … if that’s what you’re choosing to focus on.

I will never cease to be amazed. By life.

I try not to judge, but I know that sometimes, it sounds just as such.

I want to be accepting. Of everyone and their beliefs.


It’s when I see others identify so very strongly with something. It can be anything. It’s just that we see this most evidently with religion and politics.

You get the fanatics.

And how do we get a fanatic, anyway?

Fanatics happen when they feel they and their views weren’t ever listened to. When they have to try too hard and so strongly to push and prove their point. At any cost. So they go to the extreme end.

Yet. The ironic thing is.

The second we identify that strongly with something, mainly a belief, we tend to personify it.

Completely take it on.

So that inadvertently, we become the very thing we dislike.

This is the point that got lost, probably due to me playing Won’t Back Down, as I was typing.

And this is why. You have to be careful. Choose your words, really think about what you’re saying.

Because you might just find, you’re agreeing with the very thing you’ve already denounced.

Yet, isn’t this one of life’s divine dichotomies?

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