No Time Like The Present.

To get back on it, People.

“It” being this here outlet of mine that seems to have fallen off the last couple months.

Not “seems” — has and that, my dears, is all moi.

Look. Sometimes Life, it just gets to be a bit too much. It’s tiring for me. I’m simply not wired high. I’m just not. I really wish I was.

There’s been a lot going on in these parts since my vow of silence {read : fancy talk for me not having my act together} began. To begin with, I spent the majority of my summer away.

It was Awesome.

And not Awesome.

I learned that while, yes, I love to travel and see this amazing world of ours, I also really really really like to be home and kinda sorta would prefer to hide away under my covers and not deal with the world.

There’s a Taurean dichotomy for you.

So while Life was so so good and so so sweet and I got to see Paris and Barcelona and Madrid and spend weeks at The Lake. It was all so so tiring.

Isn’t it weird how things can be a little bit of everything and all in between?

I never really have understood that myself, other than accepting that that is simply how Life is. It’s always a little bit of The All — all at once.

I am ridiculously thankful Summer was bursting to the brim with adventures, but I was also ridiculously thankful to see things wind down and to get back into a routine again.

I have the best job in the whole wide world. I say it all the time. And I mean it all the time. There is no better professional schedule to be on than that of a Teacher. But, People, I need — I crave — my routine.

I don’t exactly thrive when left to my own devices — which would pretty much include me hiding out all day in bed and of course, some yoga and working out, but my point is : I could, for as social as I am, hole myself up and never leave.

I’m an exact in between of an introvert and an extrovert. I’m an exinvert.

And to be honest with you, I just went through some weird Stuff this summer. I can’t exactly put words to it other than I was pissed off at a lot of People and thought about writing them out of my Life, which I knew meant I needed  to take a big ‘ol cowboy boot step back and get quiet.

Quiet is good. I need it to re-evaluate and to be able to figure out how to Listen to my Self and sort through what is real and what is not real and how best to handle emotion and feelings.

The Feels. Damn annoying.

Sometimes the only way to figure things out is to retreat and go silent. It freaks People out when you do that. I don’t know why. Maybe because we’re used to being bombarded with loud and noisy — it distracts us.

For me, personally, I absolutely must retreat into silence.

So here’s what I’ve also learned : I love silence. It’s necessary for my well being.

I also really really really love What You Be.

I, by no means, proclaim to be the best writer in the world. In fact, it’s like teaching … I don’t think of myself in terms of “good” or “bad” … I just think — hey, here’s a place where I can be me. Where I am myself.

Where I’ve come Home.

That’s how I know I’m right where I need to be, doing what needs to be done.

It’s good to be back, People.


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