I Can’t.

Stop looking at all the photos of/from Syria.

All of the children.

The bombed out children. Covered in blood. Some missing limbs; other body parts.

The pictures of the mothers holding their dead babies. Some silent. Some crying out.

I can’t stop, People. I try not to look. I try everything to shut it out, pretend these horrors are not real; do not exist.

But I can’t. And I don’t want to. I don’t want to pretend that everything is fine when it is clearly, so obviously not fine.

Not when families are literally and figuratively being torn apart.

I don’t know what the answer is. Well, I have an answer. But it’s not one I think any one is ready to listen to. It’s : let’s take care of each other and love each other.

I don’t understand. Why we do this to another one of our brothers and sisters? Aren’t we all each others family, at the end of the day? How can we not be when science can prove that we are, all things are, interconnected. Inter-related.

Nothing makes me feel better, at least not yet. I sit and I pray. I give money. I start to feel helpless but I catch myself. Helpless is a victim, and I refuse to be another victim.

I can’t wrap my mind around any one committing and living through these horrific crimes against humanity. But maybe the point is not to try to understand it, but to embrace this part of reality and vow for something better and to hold strong to that vision.

No matter what.

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